CenterBase Program

Our delayed child development company provides specialized services for children with developmental delays and disabilities, as well as those with known risk factors. Our services are available for new born children to the age of three years old. We offer a range of options to meet the needs of our clients, including center-based activities in a school environment and curriculum offered in a child’s natural setting.

Our center-based activities are designed to support children in their developmental journey. Each child rotates through four developmental centers with a small group of their peers, participating in activities that are organized around therapeutic and developmental goals. Our approach is tailored to each child’s specific needs, and we employ specialized tools such as the Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) and sensory integration to support their progress.

Early Stages Enterprises, LLC
Child Development

In addition, we offer a range of treatment modalities, including physical therapy (PT), occupational therapy (OT), and speech-language therapy (SLP). These therapies are incorporated into each child’s individualized treatment plan based on the therapist’s assessment. Our goal is to help children with developmental delays achieve their full potential, by providing them with the support and interventions they need to thrive. Whether your child is struggling with speech and language development, motor skills, or cognitive abilities, we are here to help. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can support your child’s development.

Early Stages Enterprises, LLC
Child Development